Several fashion brands such as Dior and Fendi have upped their watch game recently, creating timepieces that not only look good but are powered by serious mechanical movements. Now two Canadians have started a watch company from scratch that combine traditional Swiss watchmaking skills with a fashion sensibility.
The company’s name is Vieren, and it’s based in Toronto, Canada. It was founded three years ago by Jess Chow, whose family has been in the watch business for more than 40 years. She calls this venture “a love letter to her family.”
The company’s defining moment came when she met well-known fashion designer, Sunny Fong, the 2009 Project Runway Canada Winner. He had ideas for designing a watch and together they created timepieces with automatic movements specifically for millennial men and women who value style and substance. These are unisex pieces designed with a modern to contemporary aesthetic. The designs also have a bit of an edge, which is just one way these watches stand out from the crowd.