The White Balloon takes a thought-provoking look at the freedom of creativity and the power of imagination. Inspired by classic movies and modern art, this magical film follows style icons Nando Sirianni and Yuki Zhao as they befriend a large white balloon floating in front of them. Like a guiding light, they chase after it, eventually finding their way to the top.


The White Balloon takes a thought-provoking look at the freedom of creativity and the power of imagination. Inspired by classic movies and modern art, this magical film follows style icons Nando Sirianni and Yuki Zhao as they befriend a large white balloon floating in front of them. Like a guiding light, they chase after it, eventually finding their way to the top.

"Defining the new vanguard of what wearing luxury design feels like."

"Defining the new vanguard of what wearing luxury design feels like."

“White is the foundation for minimalism and it takes a level of confidence to wear white.”

Sunny Fong, VIEREN Creative Director

“White is the foundation for minimalism and it takes a level of confidence to wear white.”

Sunny Fong, VIEREN Creative Director

Nando Sirianni knows it always seems impossible until it’s done

Nando Sirianni knows it always seems impossible until it’s done

Yuki Zhao celebrates all the meaningful moments with inspired timepieces

Yuki Zhao celebrates all the meaningful moments with inspired timepieces

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